Hello to you!
Merry Meet,
As some of you may or may not know, this business is NOT my full time job (I wish it was :( )
However, After last years success and growth, I am stepping back from my day job to focus more on my small business.
This is the first step of many. I sowed seeds last year and now it's growing into something more...
It is currently cramped in my house, that I need more space and hopefully a 'showroom' for people to visit.
My current plan:
Step 1. Request a reduction of hours.
Step 2. Upgrade the website. As of writing this I have just launched a new loyalty program (Eeeep!)
Step 3. Move to a spacious workspace. (my house is getting engulfed!)
Step 4. ... I don't know yet!
There are so many things I want to make, things to do, people to see.
Wish me luck and reach out if you want to!
Blessed Be and Merry Part,