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25 product(s) found for "Yule (Christmas)"
Quartz Chip Bracelet
Quartz Chip Bracelet
Clear Quartz The Master Healer. Amplifies energy and thought as well as the effects of other crystals. Absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Enhances and cleans space, self and spirit. Healing,...
Units in Stock: 8
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Clear Quartz The Master Healer. Amplifies energy and thought as well as the effects of other crystals. Absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Enhances and cleans space, self and spirit. Healing,...
Quartz Point
Quartz Point
The clear and transparent nature of quartz makes it a perfect tool for directing and amplifying energy. Our Quartz Generator Point features a pointed termination that allows the crystal to focus and project...
Units in Stock: 1
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The clear and transparent nature of quartz makes it a perfect tool for directing and amplifying energy. Our Quartz Generator Point features a pointed termination that allows the crystal to focus and project...
Red Goddess
Goddesses (&God)
Red Goddess
An embroidered goddess made with soft felt and stuffing (No hanger!) Red Correspondents: Passion, Fertility, Bravery, Lust, Strength
Units in Stock: 3
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An embroidered goddess made with soft felt and stuffing (No hanger!) Red Correspondents: Passion, Fertility, Bravery, Lust, Strength
Red Pendulum Mat
Red Pendulum Mat
Beautiful design embroidered onto velvet with a backing. The mats measure at approx. 7.5 inches. The mat is Red with deep gold embroidery thread with 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe' and the 3 phases of the moon (triple...
Units in Stock: 5
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Beautiful design embroidered onto velvet with a backing. The mats measure at approx. 7.5 inches. The mat is Red with deep gold embroidery thread with 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe' and the 3 phases of the moon (triple...
Sabbat Wraps
Candle Wraps
Sabbat Wraps
Beautiful candle wraps that can fit any kind of candle, jar or ornament. Comes with matching ribbon - unless specified (please email me!) Beautiful design embroidered onto felt with a felt backing. A variation...
Units in Stock: 60
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Beautiful candle wraps that can fit any kind of candle, jar or ornament. Comes with matching ribbon - unless specified (please email me!) Beautiful design embroidered onto felt with a felt backing. A variation...
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian
This Stone is known to help your shift patterns and comes with soothing vibes for frayed nerves. A beautiful flurry of white can be seen against the stark contrast of black.
Units in Stock: 8
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This Stone is known to help your shift patterns and comes with soothing vibes for frayed nerves. A beautiful flurry of white can be seen against the stark contrast of black.
Snowflake Obsidian Chip Brac..
Snowflake Obsidian Chip Brac..
Snowflake Obsidian Calming and soothing. Tells you to value mistakes as well as success. Provides balance to body mind and spirit. Helps with meditation and letting go stressful mental patterns Soothing,...
Units in Stock: 8
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Snowflake Obsidian Calming and soothing. Tells you to value mistakes as well as success. Provides balance to body mind and spirit. Helps with meditation and letting go stressful mental patterns Soothing,...
The Witch's Diary 2025
The Witch's Diary 2025
Step into a year of magic and intention with The Witch's Diary 2025, crafted by renowned authors Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. This enchanting diary is more than just a planner; it's...
Units in Stock: 1
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Step into a year of magic and intention with The Witch's Diary 2025, crafted by renowned authors Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. This enchanting diary is more than just a planner; it's...
Wheel of the Year Mat
Wheel of the year
Wheel of the Year Mat
Beautiful design embroidered onto felt with a felt backing. Now available! A variation of sizes and you can choose the thread colours and the background colour! If you are wanting more than 1 thread colour...
Units in Stock: 5
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Beautiful design embroidered onto felt with a felt backing. Now available! A variation of sizes and you can choose the thread colours and the background colour! If you are wanting more than 1 thread colour...
WoTY/Sabbat Set
Seasons of the Witch
WoTY/Sabbat Set
Beautiful wheel of the year mat design embroidered onto cotton with the felt backing complete with 8 sabbart symbol candle wraps. A variation of sizes for the mat and you can choose the thread colours...
Units in Stock: 8
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Beautiful wheel of the year mat design embroidered onto cotton with the felt backing complete with 8 sabbart symbol candle wraps. A variation of sizes for the mat and you can choose the thread colours...
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