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Can't have a goddes without a God!

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In Wicca, the primary male god is the Horned God, who is the masculine counterpart to the Triple Goddess, the female moon goddess. The Horned God is often depicted as a forest god with horns, and may have influenced Christian depictions of the devil. However, Wiccans do not worship evil entities like Satan, and the Horned God may have originated from other deities, such as the Celtic god Cernunnos, the Egyptian god Osiris, the English folkloric Herne the Hunter, the Greek Pan, the Roman Faunus, and the Indian Pashupati.

the Horned God is considered a dualistic god with two aspects: bright and dark, night and day, summer and winter, and the Oak King and the Holly King. Wiccans may believe that the Horned God and the Goddess are equal, or that the Goddess is more important. 

Wicca practices can vary widely, with some being atheist, pantheist, or polytheist, while others may view gods and goddesses as archetypal symbols. Rituals often include holidays based on the moon, solstices and equinoxes, and the elements of fire, water, earth, and air.

£7.00 inc. tax
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Product Code: God
weight: 81.0g
Product Condition: New

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