Cleansing your space is essential for several reasons, both metaphysically and physically.
Imagine trying to study or relax in your own home, but the place is a mess (no shaming here!), there is a smell or noise you can't get rid of, or people won't leave you alone for a few minutes... You're feeling irritated, annoyed, unorganised!
Cleaning is a way to reset, to get rid of not only mental clutter but Mixing of stagnant energy in your space. It can also promote mental clarity, positive energy, and emotional healing. It can also reduce stress and anxiety and support intentions and goals in a sacred space.
It gives you a blank space/page to work with.
Here is a guide on how to cleanse your home or space
- Gather your materials!
There are several ways to cleanse: smoke, sound, crystals, salt, or water! Yes, even with a dustpan and brush, physical cleaning can cleanse your area!
- Smoke - White sage, common Sage, Palo Santo, Incense or oils (i.e. lavender or frankincense)
- Sound - Pan and spoon, Bell, singing bowl, chime, your voice.
- Crystals - Selenite, Clear Quartz, Hematite.
- Cleaning Supplies - Broom, mop, cloth, etc.
- Salt - Sea Salt or Himalyan
- Water - tep water, moon water, sun water, seawater, any!
2. Prepare and set your intention.
The energy needs to go somewhere (out!). Open a door or window. It does not need to be wide open; it can be open slightly. Wherever you have opened this door or window, you will end your cleansing.
If you are only doing a room or small space, start at the opposite end of the room (further away from the opening). If you are in a home, I recommend opening a window upstairs and starting in a room downstairs.
Your intention can be as simple as "I am cleansing this space of negativity and inviting positive energy."
My personal mantra: "If you are positive, you need to bless this space; if you are negative, then get out of my face!"
You may need to meditate and get into a zone or feeling of positive/cleaning energy.
As you cleanse, visualize bright, white light filling the space, pushing out any negativity.
Use affirmations, such as “This space is filled with love and positivity” or “Only good energy is welcome here.”
3. Declutter and physical cleaning
With this in mind, begin physically cleaning or decluttering the space. This will remove the stagnant energy and prepare the home for a fresh start.
If you are using Salt and/or water, you will be using this during this phase! (see below)
4. Cleansing method...
Still, in the mindset of cleansing, you can now begin to move from corner to corner, room to room. It does not matter what order, just be sure to try to reach every nook and cranny (figuratively!) Depending on your preferred method, your method may look different!
- Smudging or Smoke: Trust that intuition!
Light the sage, or Palo, or Incense, and allow it to smoulder and smoke.
Walk around the space, fan or move the smoke into the corners, closets or other spaces you deem to feel 'heavy'.
You may find it helpful to imagine the negativity being pushed or moved out of the space (remember the goal is to move this out of the open window!)
- Sound:
Using Bowls, bells, pan and spoon or voice, will create vibrations throughout the space. Some say the tone or pitch of the sound changes if there is heavy energy around. Chime it until it feels lighter. Move around the room, from corner to corner!
- Crystals:
Here Points, generators, wands or obelisks help more. You can physically point at the corner or 'sweep' across the space. If you have a tumblestone, you may have to move more!
You can leave crystals in each corner of the room or home as you move through to absorbe the negativity or even change the energy.
- Salt and water
Create a solution of salt water or add/use the moon water, sun water etc, in your physical cleansing.
You can also leave salt (in bowls or plates) in each corner of the room or home.
5. Close the ritual
As mentioned, you will end your cleansing at the opening you have given; ensure to fully seal this area. What I mean by this is to trace the outline of the window (or door) with your tool and then shut the window/door, placing an 'X' somewhere on there. This is a one-way system; the negativity can't come back in this way.
Thank your items for the assistance.
Ground yourself by sitting on the floor, touching the floor or holding a grounding crystal; send your energy down to the ground and allow you to take the excess energy, which will no doubt build up from this!
If you wish, you can say thanks again or something like, 'This space is now clean; only light and positivity are here.'
Please note!!
This will create a complete blank space, I always follow with a simmer pot or lighting candles, play uplifting music, or bringing in fresh flowers to invite what I want into my space.
For example:
For protection: I place 4 tournalmine crystals in my space (one in each corner).
For luck, I may light lavender or cinnamon and retrace my steps in my cleansing ritual.
For a bit of everything: a simmer pot with herbs, fruits, or vegetables... I allow it to heat for a little then I retrace my steps, inviting and promoting the intentions I have set in my home.
Any questions please drop me a message!
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