Tigers eye Pendulum
Tigers eye PendulumTigers eye PendulumTigers eye PendulumTigers eye Pendulum
Tigers eye Pendulum
£7.00 inc. tax
Nicknamed The Shapeshifter, the earthly rich and curious gemstone of Tiger’s Eye invites the wearer to embrace their inner-strength, personal willpower, and to call on the powers of protection. Colored with golden bands, flecks of sand, and smudges of inky black and brown – there’s no disputing the wild force and energy that can be found in this stone. Traditionally the Tiger Eye Gemstone was carried as a protective amulet against the forces of evil. It was said to ward off curses and to keep the wearer safe from ill-wishes. But beyond the powers of protection, the Tiger Eye comes with a whole host of healing properties.

Connected to both the root and the sacral chakra, the Tiger Eye stone comes with a glut of glorious healing properties and benefits that help to balance physical and emotional wellbeing in one straight swoop. More than just a pretty face, the Tigers Eye serves as a reminder to harness inner strength, to stand a little taller, and to stop sabotaging the self because all the light and love that is needed is already stashed inside. Instead of hiding away, Tiger’s Eye is all about bringing beautiful self-confidence to the surface.

 This stone comes with plenty of emotional healing properties and helps the wearer to stay strong, centered and connected to their core regardless of the chaos that surrounds them. When feeling blocked, the energy of Tiger’s Eye can also cut straight through that lack of motivation and help shift focus by encouraging a more active approach to life.

Tiger Eye Associations

Chakras - Root and Solar Plexus
Zodiac - Leo
Typical colours - golden-brown, blue, red

£7.00 inc. tax
Units in Stock
Product Code: TigerPend
weight: 15.0g
Product Condition: New

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